It's time for a WILD REVOLUTION!
Let's stand together, peacefully and passionately for those animals, habitats and wildlife that have no voice. We are that voice!
We need to stand together for natures sake!
f you want to join us for more details contact us here!
Find out about our newest nature and wildlife project
Nature is our greatest resource and it is up to us to protect what we truly love. Whilst we would hope that government agencies have natures best interests at heart,
we can not wait for the slow mechanisms of these systems to make the changes nature needs. Our intention. is to create a grass roots movement of change, empowering us all to create a wilder land for all beings. We no longer have time to wait, the time for action is NOW!
It's impossible to deny — humans are destroying the natural environment at an unprecedented and alarming rate. According to a new report, animal populations have declined by such a staggering amount, that only an overhaul of the world's economic systems could possibly reverse the damage.
Nearly 21,000 monitored populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians, encompassing almost 4,400 species around the world, have declined an average of 68% between 1970 and 2016, according to the World Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Report 2020.
Species in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as global freshwater habitats, were disproportionately impacted, declining, on average, 94% and 84%, respectively.
Every two years, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) releases its landmark report, revealing how far species populations have declined since 1970 — an important marker for the overall health of ecosystems.
The latest report indicates that the rate populations are declining "signal a fundamentally broken relationship between humans and the natural world, the consequences of which — as demonstrated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic — can be catastrophic."
The populations of the world's most important wildlife have plummeted by an average of 60% since 1970, according to the most comprehensive analysis to date
.The State of Nature report also found that losses to all animals, plants and marine life show no sign of letting up, despite some successes in protecting individual species. It found that 41% of species have decreased in abundance. A quarter of mammals and nearly half of the birds assessed are at risk of extinction.
“Nature reserves are becoming natural art installations, It’s just like looking at your favourite Constable or Rothko. We go there, muse over it, and feel good because we’ve seen a bittern or some avocets or orchids. But on the journey home there’s nothing.
Anyone spending time in nature will see a landscape that has been decimated of its wildlife. We become accustomed to seeing vast swathes of barren landscapes, devoid of species, far from what our ancestors would of appreciated and even further from its full potential.
This has become our new normal.
Yet if we can allow ourselves to imagine what nature could become, together as custodians of this planet, by bringing together and challenging ourselves – all of us – across farming estates, industrial estates, housing estates, and schools, gardens, allotments and churchyards to be contributories to a great river of nature and return – us all together, making a pledge – to a wilder nature.
It is time for us to take a stand, the power lies in our hands, in our choices. It is time to ask for what we truly want, for a wild revolution to protect nature, to rewild, to buy land as communities, to make the changes that support nature and wildlife and human cities and communities that thrive with nature, not against her.
In partnership with
Into the Wild